Graphic abs --- Introduction ---

Graphic abs is an exercise concerning the graphical recognition of functions of one real variable involving absolute values.

The server will give you the graph of a function f (x), whose expression will be hidden. You will then be presented a certain number of other graphs, corresponding to modifications of f(x) such as , , or even , etc (see the menu below). And you should cocate the one which corresponds to one which will be precised in a question. To give the reply, you can simply click on the graph which you believe to be the good one.

Set up
  • Type of variations of the functions:
    1. ;
    2. ;
    3. ;
    4. ;
  • Number of questions in one session: , , , , , , , or
    The score is attributed only at the end of a session.
Other exercises on:
The most recent version

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